A False Pregnancy Test: Are you Worrying?

 Hey ladies, Are you dealing with a false positive or a false negative pregnancy test? Don’t worry, it happens. First, a false positive pregnancy test is very rare, but having a false negative test is quite common, and that is comforting news for many future mothers out there. But let’s get an overview of a false positive or a false negative test and try to analyze analyze.

False Pregnancy Test How does a pregnancy test actually work?

Generally, pregnancy tests measure the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG); simply speaking, it is a hormone that is secreted when an embryo is implanted into your uterus. But women who are not pregnant do have HCG but at a very minimal level. A pregnancy test detects HCG levels higher than the usual limit; since a higher HCG level indicates pregnancy, it accordingly shows the result.

Also Read: How To Talk To Your Partner About Fertility Issues

You shouldn’t panic at a false negative test because sometimes a pregnancy test may not be able to detect lower HCG levels and return a false negative, so it is more common than you think. Similarly, showing a false positive is nearly impossible if the pregnancy test works well, as generating a false HCG level is very difficult.

Why a false negative pregnancy test?

As said, false negatives are quite common, and these are the following reasons why it happens.

  • You are not urinating enough on the test.
  • The urine you are using for the test is not highly concentrated.
  • You are getting too much urine on the test stick.
  • You are testing too early.
  • The test you are using is expired or defective.
  • You are not following the test instructions or incorrectly reading the result (Well, even it’s a faint positive line, check it through)

Also Read: Ovulation- how long does it last?

What should you do?

These are not full-proof methods, but at least you can try these to avoid a false negative:

  • Drink plenty of water on the day of taking the test
  • Test a little later in the day instead of testing in the morning.

Why a false positive test?

A false positive is really very rare, and these are some of the reasons why it might happen.

  • You have allowed the test to sit for too long, which can cause an evaporation line and resemble a false positive.
  • Make sure you are not using an expired test.
  • A recent miscarriage

What can you do?

Also Read: How to Track your Basal Body Temperature and Ovulation?

Having a false positive test is very rare, but these are some steps you can do to avoid it.

  • Use a sufficiently sensitive test.
  • Correctly read the test
  • Test at the right time

Summing up

It’s perfectly normal if you have a false positive or negative test, don’t worry; if the above solutions are still not working, go ahead and check with a fertility expert.

To read more visit www.drdad.in


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